Access Control projects warehouses payments accounts.
If you want to add person as participant to project or giving them access to project, warehouse and payment accounts information you can do it from here.
Navigate to PROJECTS Access Control
"Access Control" > "ACCESS PROJECTS"
What information is shown
Users which are in the list User with access
will be able to be selected as workers to log time against or be able to view selected project information based on there role.
Projects - Currently active projects.
Users with access - Users with name and work group currently having access to selected project.
Users with no access - Users with name and work group not having access to selected project.
On which columns you can filter
Project Name
User Name
Navigate to WAREHOUSES Access Control
"Access Control" > "ACCESS WAREHOUSES"
What information is shown
Users which are in the list User with access
will be able to view for selected warehouse information based on there role.
Warehouses - All warehouses.
Users with access - Users with name and work group currently having access to selected warehouse.
Users with no access - Users with name and work group not having access to selected warehouse.
On which columns you can filter
Warehouse Name
User Name
Navigate to WAREHOUSES Payment Accounts
What information is shown
Users which are in the list User with access
will be able to view and use for selected payment account information based on there role.
Payment Account - All payment accounts.
Users with access - Users with name and work group currently having access to selected payment account.
Users with no access - Users with name and work group not having access to selected payment account.
On which columns you can filter
Payment Account Name
User Name
Grant User Access
Select users from list Users with no access
then click on toolbar icon Grant Users Access
Revoke User Access
Select users from list Users with access
then click on toolbar icon Revoke Users Access