View Created Edit warehouses.
Navigate to Warehouses
Main tool bar "Warehouse" button
will open last used warehouse.
if there are no warehouses created yet you will see + Create new Warehouse, Current Warehouse, Warehouses List
icon next to Warehouse page title. If you click on + Create new Warehouse, Current Warehouse, Warehouses List
you will be presented with warehouses list.
What information is shown for each warehouse
Warehouse Name - Name of the warehouse.
Created - At what date is created.
On which columns you can filter
Warehouse Name
Create New Warehouse
On main screen for Warehouses Toolbar Icon Create New Warehouse
You have to provide following information for the Warehouse.
Warehouse Name - Mandatory name.
Address/Street - Street address for the warehouse.
Address/City - City of the warehouse.
Address/State/Province - State/Province of the warehouse.
Postal/ZIP code - Postal/ZIP Code of the warehouse.
Country - Country of the warehouse.
GeoLocation - Can be selected from MAP or entered or used Device ge location to fetch it from there.
Contact Person - Main contact person for the warehouse.
Edit Warehouse
On main screen for Warehouse select warehouse and
and click Toolbar Icon Edit
Delete Warehouse
On main screen for Warehouses select warehouse and
and click Toolbar Icon Delete
View Warehouse Page
On main screen for Warehouses click on any of the rows with warehouses and respective warehouse page will be opened.
Last opened warehouse will be remembered and on next time when you open warehouses menu you will be directed to its page.
What information is shown for each warehouse main page.
- Item Name - Name of the item.
- Measurement Unit - Measurement Unit.
- Item Type - Item Type.
- Item Group - Item Groups.
- Quantity on Hand - Automatically updated available quantity at this warehouse when item is bought or sent or received to other location.
- Monetary Value/Currency - monetary value for quantity on had items. Automatically calculated from item unit prices and quantity on hand from the purchase.
On which columns you can filter
Only with quantity on Hand - If checked will show inventory items with quantity on hand greater than 0.
Item Name - Selectable from drop down filtered list.
Item Group Name - Selectable from drop down filtered list.