Project Tasks and Schedule
This is the screen where you create project tasks. Set each task budget start end date and view how tasks are planned in time for execution.
Navigate to Project Schedule
What information is shown for each task
Task Name - Name of the task.
Start Date - At what date is planned to start.
Days - How many days in duration is this task.
Budget/Currency - Set budget for the task.
Actual total cost/Currency - Total accumulated cost for that task.
Task color in calendar view.
Red - Task in status `Created`
Yellow - Task in status 'In progress'
Green - Task in status 'Completed'
On what scales you can view project task schedule
Task represented as bars will be scaled according to selected scale. For Each scale following information will be shown.
Days - As headers "Calendar Day M, T, W, T, F, S, S ", "Day Number in Month", "Month and Year"
Weeks - As headers "Week Number in Year", "Month Name", "Years"
Months - As headers "Month Name", "Quarter Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4"
Quarters - As headers "Quarter Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4", "Years"
Years - As Headers "Years"
Create View Edit Delete Tasks
When you create, edit, delete task project and task statistics will be recalculated automatically in background. It might take some time to be reflected.
On main screen for Schedule Toolbar Icon Create New Task
You have to provide following information for the task
Task Name - Mandatory name. Text which will be shown on all screens where is used.
Code - Short code used in reporting or analyzing same task performance across different projects.
Status - Mandatory `Created`, `In progress`, `Completed`. You can see from clock icon status history changes.
Start Date - Mandatory What is planned task Start Date.
Due Date - Mandatory What is planned task Due Date.
Measurement Unit - Mandatory. Unit in Metric or Imperial systems in which this task will be measured.
Estimated amount - Mandatory. How many units of this work we plan to perform.
Amount Completed - Mandatory. How much is actually performed. This is set later when task is completed and when task is physically measured on project site.
Estimated Unite Cost - Mandatory. How much money we expect one unite of this task to cost.
Estimated total cost - Mandatory. Total cost for all units for this task.
Estimated Hours - Mandatory. Estimated amount of hours expected to cost to complete this task. Used in project burn down chart.
Select Task
To select a task click on the task name and row will be highlighted and calendar will be scrolled so task can be put in visible area of calendar.
Select any task and Toolbar Icon Edit Task
View Task Statistics
Once you select task and open for View/Edit you will be able to see following widgets for each task.
Task Statistics with children This will show accumulated task statistics with all child tasks. Budget
Estimated total cost - Task Budget equal to field 'Estimated total cost'.
Actual total cost - Amount of expenses accumulated for this task.
Difference - If negative means we are over budget for this task if positive we are under budget.
Unit cost
Estimated unit cost - Task Budget unit cost equal to field 'Estimated Unite Cost'.
Actual unit cost - Calculated unit cost from accumulated expenses.
Difference - If negative means we are over budget for this task if positive we are under budget.
Items cost - Item purchases for this task.
Services cost - Services purchases for this task.
Labor Cost - Labor expenses for this task.
Items Reusable - Cost for reusable items.
Items Expendable - Cost for expendable items.
Items Consumable - Cost for Consumable items.
Estimated Hours cost - Task Budget hours equal to field 'Estimated Hours'.
Actual Work Hours - Tracked worked hours for this task.
Difference - Labor expenses for this task.
Historical spending's chart
This chart represent accumulated spending's over item purchases and labor cost for the selected task over time.
What is on the chart
X axis Date - Date on which there was bought new items or payed labor cost.
Y axis money in currency - Accumulated money at that date.
Budget - Horizontal line which shows total the tasks equal to field 'Estimated total cost'.
Task Statistics
This section represents same data as section Task Statistics With Children
but only expenses accumulated directly against this task. Brickeros
allow tracking expenses against children and parent tasks.
Select any task and Toolbar Icon Edit Task
Select any task and Delete
You can delete tasks without children tasks. If you want to delete parent you first need to delete all child tasks.
Change Parent Child hierarchy for tasks.
To change parent child hierarchy hover with the mouse over task which you want to make child or parent then left click and start dragging it. Indicators will show where task can be moved as child or parent or on the same level.