Sales Invoices
All sales done from projects and warehouse must have recorded sales invoice
Navigate to Sales Invoices
"Invoices & Acts & Payments" > "SALES INVOICES"
What information is shown for each sales invoice on this screen
Invoice Number - Invoice number.
Total with VAT/Currency - Total invoice amount with VAT in currency.
Invoice Issue Date - Date when Invoice is created.
Invoice Due Date - Last date until which invoice must be payed.
Invoice Paid Date - Date when invoice was fully paid.
Project - Project for which this invoice
Warehouse - Warehouse for which is this invoice
Act Number - If Sales Invoice is created from Act corresponding Act number
Client - Client for the invoice
Invoice Type - Invoice or Pro Forma Invoice
Status - Preparing, Send to Client, Completed
On which columns you can filter
not paid - will show invoice which are not been payed yet
Invoice Number
Invoice Issue Date
Create View Edit Cancel Pay Sales Invoices
Create New Invoice
Once you are on main screen for Sales Invoice
click on Toolbar Icon Create New Invoice
This will lead you to screen for selecting for which Project or Warehouse this invoice will be created.
On this screen you will find check box PRO FORMA INVOICE
if you click this check box created invoice will be Pro Forma Invoice.
Once you select the Project or Warehouse and click button CREATE NEW INVOICE
Invoice will be created and it will be opened in Invoice Edit Screen
Create New Invoice from Act
Once you are on main screen for Sales Invoice
click on Toolbar Icon Create New Invoice from Act
This will lead you to screen for selecting from which Act to be created Sales Invoice. On this screen there will be
only not invoiced Acts. On this screen you will find check box PRO FORMA INVOICE
if you click this check box created invoice will be Pro Forma Invoice.
Once you select Act
and click button CREATE NEW INVOICE
Invoice will be created and it will be opened in Invoice Edit Screen
Create New Invoice from Pro Forma Invoice
Once you are on main screen for Sales Invoice
you can select any invoice from type Pro forma
click on tool bar button Toolbar Icon Create New Invoice from Pro forma Invoice
. This will copy all attributes from pro forma invoice
but will generated new unique invoice number and created document will be normal invoice. If action is successfully Invoice will be created and it will be opened in Invoice Edit Screen
- If selected invoice is not
Pro Forma
you will get errorSelected invoice is not pro forma invoice.
- If selected
Pro Forma
invoice has already invoice created from it you will get errorInvoice is already issued for this pro forma invoice.
Click on any Invoice.
Click on any Invoice.
You can change following invoice fields
Invoice Number - Invoice number.
Invoice Date - Invoice created date.
Invoice Due Date - Invoice date until which needs to be paid.
Invoice Paid Date - Date when invoice is fully paid. Automatically calculated on every invoice payment.
Client - You can select invoice client form list of clients
Items - Add invoice items.
Paying by bank transfer - Select list with pre defined bank accounts.
Prepared - Select from users list who prepared the Invoice.
Include in reports - If this check box is checked invoice will be included in reports for money receivables.
You can view Payment History
Created - Date when payment transaction is created.
Account Name - Name of the account.
Comment - Note for the transaction.
Debit/Currency - Debit amount for the currency.
Credit/Currency - Credit amount for the currency.
User - User who created the transaction.
Edit Invoice Number
Invoice number can be set to any free number. But Each invoice needs to have unique number. If you are trying to set same number which is in use you will get error.
Edit Invoice Items
For each invoice item following information will be present.
Description of service or item - Item definitions as per defined catalog.
Units - Item measurement units.
Quantity - Quantity sold.
Unit Price/Currency - Unit price in currency.
Total/Currency - Total price in currency.
Add not Purchased Invoice Item
By clicking on Toolbar Icon Add not purchased Item
Not Purchased Item
are usually services which you would like to the invoice like discounts for example.
You will be presented with dialog where you can select
Item Type - Selectable from list of predefined items. Readonly.
Item Name - Changeable item name.
Sales Unite Price - For how much per unite we want to sell it.
Sales Quantity - What quantity we want to sale.
Sales Price - Total sales price for this Invoice line item. Readonly.
Purchase Price - How much it costed you to purchase or produce this item.
Profit - What is the profit from this Invoice line item. Readonly.
Add Purchased Invoice Item
Purchased Invoice Item
can be added only from Warehouses.
If you created Invoice for Warehouse You will be presented with side table with quantities on hand in this warehouse.
By clicking on any of the items in the warehouse dialog Add purchased item
will show up. where you can enter and see following information.
Item Name - Changeable item name.
Item Type - Based on selected item. Readonly.
Sales Unite Price - For how much per unite we want to sell it.
Sales Quantity - What quantity we want to sale.
Sales Price - Total sales price for this Invoice line item. Readonly.
Purchase Unit Price - Purchase unite price. Readonly.
Quantity on Hand - How many items from this we have in the Warehouse. You can't ad more than that into invoice. Readonly.
Purchase Price - Calculated from `Purchase Unit Price`*`Sales Quantity`. Readonly.
Profit - What is the profit from this Invoice line item. Readonly.
Edit Invoice Item
Select invoice item and click on Toolbar Icon Edit
- If Invoice item is
Not Purchased Item
you can edit all fields. - If Invoice item is
Purchased Item
tou can edit onlyItem Name
Sales Unit Price
. If you want to change the quantity remove invoice item and add it again and select new quantity.
Delete Invoice Item
Select invoice item and click on Toolbar Icon Delete
Select invoice click Toolbar Icon Cancel Invoice
Accept Payment for sales invoice
You can accept payment for sales invoice from 2 places. Main screen Invoice list or within the Invoice while is been created.
Accept Payment from Toolbar Icon Accept Payment
Select not paid invoice and click Toolbar Icon Accept Payment
. Dialog will pop up which you will see following information.
Invoice Number
Invoice Date
Invoice Due Date
Total with VAT - How much is total sum for invoice with VAT.
Not Paid - Reaming amount to be paid.
Payment History - List with all past payments for this invoice.
Created - Date when payment is done.
Account Name - Name of the account from which is been paid.
Comment - Comment when payment is done. Default to invoice number.
Debit/Currency - Debit amount in this transaction. Only one of both Debit or Credit will be greater than 0.
Credit/Currency - Credit amount in this transaction. Only one of both Debit or Credit will be greater than 0.
User - User who initiated the payment.
To Account - In which account money will be received for the invoice.
Balance - Account current balance.
Comment - You can put comment here for your reference.
Amount - How much from this invoice to accept payment.
Accept Payment from within the Invoice edit screen Button Accept Payment.
Once you are on edit invoice screen you will have Button Accept Payment
You will be present with the same dialog for pay invoice #### Accept Payment from Toolbar Icon Accept Payment
Button Accept Payment
will be enabled when following conditions are met
- Invoice is not Paid.
- Invoice has number.
- Invoice changes are saved.
- Invoice Total Amount is greater than 0.
- Invoice Client are populated.